Top O' the Mornin' to Ya!
In honor of todays holiday the ICE chicks have a few fun things for you! There have been 3 shamrocks hidden in the blog, send us an email at when you find it and we'll randomly pick 2 names for a PRIZE! Whooo! Dont'cha just love FREE stuff??

Also as a fun little game we are giving away some GREEN! Tell us what makes you lucky and we'll randomly pick 1 winner to win a $50.00 ICE Gift Certicate! Yep you (or a friend if your already registerd) can get 50.00 off your ICE Registration!! All you need to do is just post how lucky you are right here in this posts comments (see link at bottom of post)
And last (but certanly not least!) if you haven't signed up for our great newsletter yet-make sure to do that TODAY! (go to and click on the newsletter button on the left side of the home page) Everyone who is signed up for the newsletter will go into a random drawing for yet another $50.00 ICE GIFT CERTIFICATE!! Again, if your already signed up pass it along to a friend, cropping is always more fun with another "chick".
Oh and watch out soon for our details on how to become a ICE VIP, "Cool Chick" Details will be announced in the upcoming newsletter along with the next ICE Challenge, enter and win an awesome prize from ICE!!
You only have till Friday 3/21 to enter, check back here on sturady to see who the LUCKY winner's are!!
Hmmmm, what makes me lucky? Opportunity makes me lucky. Create opportunities and it opens other doors. Look for opportunities where you least expect them to be and YOU TOO will be a lucky duck :)
I consider myself pretty darn lucky. I live in a nice city in a wonderful country with fabulous friends and plenty to do. :) And I agree with Cindy -- most "luck" happens to those who are prepared! :)
Lucky number 7, because my birthdate is 7-7-70!
Hope all of you are experiencing the luck of the Irish today!
" To be a Woman born in America makes you one of the luckiest women in America" -Oprah
Its so true, I have food in my fridge, a roof over my head, freedom, and faith. What more can I ask for?
There is some luck in the world. But I think it's more the choices we make that then turn into what some people call luck. When you're given a good opportunity make the most of it then you'll be really lucky. I'm lucky because I met a great guy, got married, and now have three great kids.
I believe in blessings not luck. I am blessed to have a wonderful family who loves me. I am also blessed to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I am blessed by the wonderful people I have met scrapbooking, what an awesome group of friends I have!!
Makes me lucky...
1. I'm a momma, even though they said I would never be.
2. A wonderful hubby- who says yes & no to me.
3. A great job, even though it's making me grey.
4. I'm blessed-- very much so!
I know this is going to sound sappy but... to have a family that supports me through thick and thin and loves me unconditionally makes me the luckiest person.
You are only lucky if you can reconize a good thing when it comes around and take full advanatage of it! Luck can easily turn into misfortune if you let it. I find I have good luck when I go out and look for it.
What makes me Lucky...I have an amazing husband that supports me emotionally, loves me, takes care of me...and most importantly, doesn't ask questions about anything in my scrapping area! I think you help make your own luck in life though. You do things well..and it opens doors to other things. You treat people well and you get treated well.
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